Monitoring the health of children

In the Family Clinic, family physician and family nurse  perform routine medical examinations of healthy children. The routine medical examinations of healthy children take place:

  • at Pelgulinna Perekliinik (Sõle 16, II floor) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays;
  • at Ülemiste Perekliinik (Valukoja 7/2, I floor) on Wednesdays;
  • at Kiili Perekliinik (Nabala tee 2a) on Tuesdays.
  • The purpose of medical examinations of children is to monitor their development and to ensure necessary medical care for the early detection of health and developmental disorders.
  • Routine medical examinations of children are performed in the interest of good health and development of the children. Paediatricians, family physicians, family nurses and medical specialists are working together for this purpose.  The child’s development, growth, weight, hearing, vision and speech are monitored. In addition, the doctors help children form healthy eating and exercise habits and provide advice on all other health issues. Vaccinations are used to prevent communicable diseases.
  • Healthy infants are monitored regularly and preventively during their first year of life. During the appointment, the baby is weighed and measured. A family nurse teaches parents about feeding, hygiene, care and preventing accidents, etc.
  • A paediatrician appointment is not intended for a healthy infant. If necessary, the family physician will refer the child to a medical specialist such as a neurologist or an orthopedist.
  • 6–7-year-old children have to go to the family physician for a pre-school medical examination. The doctor will assess the child’s development and school readiness by checking their visual and auditory acuity as well as speech development. In case of anomalies, the doctor can refer the child to additional examinations, a speech therapist or an ophthalmologist. The health examination can be performed in good time before school starts, already in spring. Then there is enough time to solve any issues.
  • Contact your family nurse by phone or e-mail to book a routine medical examination of your child.