Physiotherapy is part of medical rehabilitation. It is based on exercise, placement treatment, massage, and physical therapy. The goal of physiotherapy is to restore the patient’s functional ability.
What are the reasons to see a physiotherapist?
- Recovery from trauma or surgery
- Musculoskeletal problems that do not require surgery (poor posture, back pain, sports injuries – overload injuries)
- Exertion-related pain/occupational diseases
- Muscle tension
- Neurological diseases (Parkinson’s disease, stroke)
- Vertigo or dizziness
- Imbalance and coordination difficulties
- Tension headaches
The service includes:
- physiotherapeutic evaluation;
- identification of problems:
- setting goals for therapy;
- planning and conducting therapy;
- counselling the patient.
A family doctor or family nurse will refer you to a physiotherapist.
When coming to physiotherapy, please wear comfortable sportswear.